How To’s

Find out how urban Geko Design can help you promote your brand, website, online presence and how we can help you to achieve a desirable ranking on Google.

orange county effective marketing campaign

Reality Check On Your Marketing?

Reality Check On Your Marketing? 6880 4584 Urban Geko Design

An effective marketing campaign is key to a successful business. Times are changing and they are changing fast, which mean new strategies and designs are required if you wan to…

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orange county elements of a creative brief

How to Write a Deliciously Creative Design Brief

How to Write a Deliciously Creative Design Brief 700 416 Urban Geko Design

Congratulations, your newest client is a local ice cream shop down the street! While your first thought is probably how not to gain weight throughout the duration of the project,…

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best practices of seo in orange county

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 6: Visual Accessories

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 6: Visual Accessories 800 400 Urban Geko Design

“Websites don’t link to other websites. People point to other people’s work.” -Lyndon Antcliff, Comwall SEO. Throughout our SEO series we’ve constantly stressed that you need to design for the…

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selecting a suitable domain name in orange county ca

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 5: Domains

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 5: Domains 800 400 Urban Geko Design

You’ve completed the design and coding for your new website, now you’re ready to make your site live. What do you do? Find a hosting site and search for available…

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orange county importance of links to SEO

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 4: Links

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 4: Links 800 400 Urban Geko Design

L:inks: the medium through which information is connected and shared across the internet. This single entity is the reason why the internet is often referred to as a “web” of…

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how metatags can improve SEO rankings orange county

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 3: Metatags

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 3: Metatags 800 400 Urban Geko Design

This is the third volume of our UG Blog’s series on SEO website design and some of you are probably wondering why this is entitled How to Master the Art…

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orange county website design

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 2: Content

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 2: Content 1920 720 Urban Geko Design

Do you have a blog that you love to read everyday? Or maybe you have one of your own that can be viewed by your family and friends that you…

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orange county keywords that optimize pages

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 1: Keywords

How to Master the Art of SEO, Vol. 1: Keywords 800 400 Urban Geko Design

chicken pesto recipe 24 hour fitness near newport beach seo checklist phoenix 1901 lost justin bieber Above is the list of words I typed into Google today (except for the…

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