If you are someone who believes that in today’s time having a website is not necessary for the growth of the business then definitely you are not accessing the pulse of the time correctly. A business can run without a website is a false assumption which many believe in and if you are one of them then you are yourself pushing your business into an abyss by doing so.

Then there are people who know that website development is vital for growth but “why is it important” – is a question nobody can answer. The most imperative thing that a website development does is it covers a lot of areas which Social media marketing alone cannot cover in. It also covers a vast area from SEO optimization to generating the right amount of traffic.

From balancing the bounce rate to conversion rate, to re-target audience, a good web development complimented with good marketing comprises all of this and offers much more.

When Choosing a Vendor for Website Development don’t look at cost?

Now that we have explained in above paragraphs that why having a website is important for your business, it’s time to create a website and to do this you have to hire someone.

Now this is where the real deal is done. It is a common practice among business owners to choose web development agencies solely on the basis of price. Someone promises you high quality and low price. Bam!!

You consider that a jackpot. You quickly sign into this deal, primarily because you are more interested in spending less money on this process. It was CHEAP.

Cheap: costing less, inexpensive or comparatively low price. However an important thing that we miss out on is that cheap doesn’t always mean affordable. Cheap can also be easily substituted for tacky, shabby or unsavoury, all the terms that you would not want your website to represent.

Design of a website plays a crucial role in creating an image for your brand. It has been proved by various researches that a good website design is exponentially, sometimes, more powerful than the content.

So how do you think that a cheap website can prove to be expensive? Here, we are putting down 6 reasons to prove the same.

1. More Time Spent is equal more money spent

Time is money – we all have heard this before but it becomes even more crucial in terms of website development. You may think that by spending less on a website you have saved a lot of money. Sorry to break this news for you but this isn’t true. There are a lot of drawbacks to this ideology.

A poorly designed website will cost you more time and money in the long run in the form of website breakdowns or more. You end up paying more than you had initially saved. So it is better to spend on a website in advance and save all the effort in the end.

2. Expertise Demand Money

web design cost in orange county

Website development is a skilful job. It is an art that one acquires only with proper learning and experience.

A good professional developer would not compromise on his cost or deliver something for free. To put in simpler words, Quality comes at a cost and this is true in the case of website developers as well. There are a lot of factors that needs to be looked into when developing a website.

A website cannot just be left blank with half-baked contents. It requires a lot of work. And if any developer is willing to do his job at a cheaper price then there are chances that he may not be as good as or more experienced than others available in the market.

It is no harm to start small but it is always advised to start with a professional over an amateur.

3. Lack of Proper Support System

orange county web design cost

Another downside of going for a cheap website development is lack of support from your service provider.

When we talk about ‘support’ we mean anything from poor communication in regard to development to meeting deadlines to ongoing support for questions or problems to fixing errors that occur down the road that the service provider should be responsible for.

One thing that you don’t need for your business is constantly chasing down your providers for updates or help.

4. Bait And Switch

This is a very common practise by most designing firms and most companies fall for this. Some companies put out a very impressive portfolio and have a big plans to talk and the best part is that they don’t even charge more.

On the hindsight it appears to be the best deal but there is a catch! Even though they put out a fascinating deals at considerably low prices but you end up working not with their best staff but with amateur or interns. They promise you a big deal by pitching you a professional portfolio and then it is the amateurs who actually end up looking at your business. Hence you end up paying an amount which is too high even for an amateur. The service providers end up making all the profit in between.

Hence you actually end up messing up your business in the process and have to spend more in order to get this fixed. It is like a bait-and-switch where an experienced person closes the deal with you, but then you realize you project is being worked on by the third-string.

5. Lack of Proper Functioning

Poor functionality is another downside that is associated with cheap website development. Most people have to go for a second site after they realise that their first site is not bringing them any leads and business. This high bounce rate and bad SEO gets your site penalised by Google.

Bad functionality and navigational errors causes customers to leave your site, subpar hosting or design platforms that provide unreliable service. If you choose a cheap provider they might not be able to support the website as it becomes more advanced and may struggle to add on features as the business grows.

6. Lack of Original Content

website design irvine cost

You will always struggle to create a niche for yourself in an already competitive market if you do not stand apart from your competitors? If you think hiring cheap website development agency can do the trick for you then you are in for a shock. The low quality design is mostly on a tight time constraint and ends up looking like material already available in the market. In others words, developers copy the content that is already available on the web to speed up the development process.

If your business lacks originality, it not only comes across as being cheap but it also portrays a bad light on your brand. People will perceive it as another brand in the already flooded market and hence you will not be able to grow.

Therefore, either you will have to spend more on the re-designing of the website or maybe invest in some other alternates to compensate for the loss here. Also, how does this set your business apart and show people you are different or better than the others? Think.


You need to understand that a website is an integral part of your business. It plays a vital role in the expansion of your business. If done well it is a great source for generating sales. While with cheap website development it may seem that you might end up saving money initially but I hope that the 6 reasons stated above will help you understand that in the end you end up paying more.

Hence if you are looking for a website to stand the test of time and prove to be a profitable investment, then you know that Orange County Web Design is the place to be. We aim to create unique and extraordinary brands that set you apart from everyone else. We aim to provide you a brand identity.That’s all folks!

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