It is not a secret; every business owner wants his or her company to be profitable. Recently, research has proven that color has a great effect on emotions and perceptions. Understanding color is crucial to your business plan. Our Orange County web design team at Urban Geko is here to help and give you new insights into the world of color.

1. Colors Influence Buying Decisions

It has now been shown that over 94% of people claim that the “appearance” of products influenced their purchasing decisions more than any other aspect of a product. Within 75 seconds of seeing a new product, person or setting, people make decisions about how they feel about what they are seeing. Over 75% percent of those decisions are influenced by the color of the object they are viewing.

2. Color Reinforces Brand Recognition

The effective use of color can make shoppers 85% percent more likely to remember a brand name.

3. Color Affects Memory

It’s well known that color can express a lot of information and emotions without using words. This may be even more true when colors found in the natural world are involved. Research shows that natural colors are not only appealing, they can also have memory-increasing effects.

4. Color Is Eye-Catching

People who view an advertisement that is printed using colors are up to 45% more likely to read that ad when compared to the same ad printed without using colors.

5. Color Is Interesting

Did you know that the use of color can stimulate mental activity? The use of color can make people more likely to read and understand printed material. It can also boost the brain’s ability to learn by 65% and the ability to comprehend printed material.

6. Color Draws Focus

Studies show that people are more likely to focus on colored objects and material when compared to plain black and white objects. In fact, people have been shown to pay attention to colored items for over 2 seconds while black and white objects draw focus for less than 1 second. “Color is also useful for helping people take in information. For example, color can be used to highlight the most important information printed on an item so that people are more likely to recall that information,” says our Orange County web design team in Newport Beach.

7. Color Has an Impact

When people are asked to express how they feel about the impact of color, they reveal some surprising information. For example, 92% of people claim that color can make an image seem more impactful or striking. Color can have many positive effects when used in marketing. Color can help customers remember information and the same number of people believe that color is important for attracting potential customers. Color also has powerful effects in the personal lives of many people. For example, research shows that 83% of people feel that the use of color gives them an edge on the competition while 85% think that color can convey a sense of success and accomplishment.

In some cases, color can even change the perception of an entire business. People are convinced that the use of color can actually make their business appear bigger to customers and clients.

8. Color Creates an Experience

Experts believe that the color of objects and images has a direct impact on the way that our minds understand the world around us. While the shape of objects can be actively used by the brain to understand patterns, the mind uses color to create expressions, feelings and sensations associated with different objects and images.

Overall color is of great importance to consider when branding, designing, or marketing your company. As a professional Orange County web design firm, we want to see all of our clients succeed.

Contact us today to let us help you create amazing marketing pieces that will stand out and resonate with your target audience for a lifetime.

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