The creative work that an agency does on behalf of their clients looks easy. I’ve had potential clients tell me they don’t need to hire an agency because they can do it themselves. Perhaps they can…

But what exactly is it that an agency does and why should you hire us?

We go the extra mile to meet your needs

Before a project even starts the response to a client’s proposal process begins. This can represent up to 40 hours of work and provides perspective and strategy for your project at no cost. Agencies are on the job thinking about your project way beyond nine to five. Some of our best ideas come to us while we’re just about to fall asleep or we’re taking our morning shower. We pretty much have projects on our mind 24/7. That’s the reason we charge by the project not by the hour.

Smaller agencies have a faster turn-around time because they are nimble and lean with an added bonus of clients having access to the people who are actually doing the work. At Urban Geko Orange County Website Design, we have an agile team that can do as much as a large agency because of access to technology.

We have years of experience in the field

With the years of experience that comes with developing and delivering the creative work that established agencies build on comes a clear and focused process. Agencies coach clients through systems that deliver results. Your unique results, not creative that mirrors everyone else’s – creative that looks and breathes you. Agencies know branding inside and out. They live it and eat it for breakfast. You know how hard it is to write your own resume or bio? Agencies provide the outside perspective of your brand and steer it in the direction where it needs to go.

We do great work because of our talented Orange County website design team. We are always in training mode and always coaching our colleagues to be their best. This means learning to use the most up to date tools and mentoring staff to deliver high quality professional projects that do what they are supposed to do…engage your audience.

The right media vehicle needs to be chosen to engage a target audience. An agency is objective in the type of media it chooses to get the best reach and results. We work on the principal of what is best for you, the client. We don’t try to sell you on what you don’t need, as would be the case if you go directly to a media vendor. They are focused only on sales success and don’t care about your marketing strategy or your target audience. We represent you and are focused on your success.

We put all the pieces together for you

An established website design agency guarantees their work as well as managing and guaranteeing the work of all outside vendors. The benefit to you is that you don’t have to think about all the pieces and people it takes to create your project. We do it and we don’t sign off on anything until it meets our and your standards.

Agencies work with the same vendors time and again. We’ve established trusted relationships with them and consider them partners. They are hand-picked for the quality work they deliver and contribute to our client’s projects.

The behind the scenes monitoring and negotiating of outside vendors is an invaluable value-add to projects and covers unforeseen liability on our client’s behalf.

What is seen on the surface and appears to be easy isn’t. Behind the scenes agencies are working on your behalf bringing value through project experience, working with the best vendors, and taking on risk.

That’s what you get for your dollars. You decide – is it a wise investment to take the risk of going it on your own?

As a professional Orange County website design firm, we know the importance of a quality design. If you’re still not sure if hiring an agency is right for your business, let’s talk! Call us at 949-200-6910, or contact us below.

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