5 ways Seo and Web Design go together - Urban Geko

Your brand needs both a good web design and a solid SEO strategy to maintain and sustain its rhythm to succeed on a digital platform. However, not many agencies or individuals understand that design Seo both goes hand in hand. Yes, separate teams can handle these processes separately, but without good coordination, results won’t be great.

In this piece of content, we will specify five crucial elements that reflect why Web design and SEO can’t be separated and why your brand needs them to work together to win big in the market.

Before we talk about significance of design for a SEO, let’s look at some of the stats that specify why SEO is still the king of marketing when it comes to brand placement.

  1. 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine
  2. SEOdrives 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media.
  3. The more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google
  4. 76% of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day
  5. Yelp appears in the top five search results for 92% of Google web queries that include a city and business category.

Now that it’s clear why Seo is still very much in the game, let’s look into how it’s incomplete without the backing of a good website design or how a good design can complement a brand’s SEO efforts.

Responsive nature on all the platforms

Google loves websites that give its users the best user experience and the information they are after. This is why it is consistently upgrading its algorithms to match user intent and preference. As we know that each year more and more people are browsing websites from their smart devices, so it makes sense that Websites match this qualification.

Here are a few statistics to back this claim:


Google itself has been very proactive in making sure that all of the websites on its platform are mobile responsive, in fact it made this a crucial factor in 2015. In simpler words for your Digital marketing campaign to work you need your website to run on all the Smart devices.

  • Speed of the website

Now having a responsive website is great still it can’t guarantee you any Search engine love if it is not boosted by a good speed. In an era where our attention span has already come down, you cannot afford to keep your users waiting for the information they need to see.

Here are few statistics in this respect:

  1. 1 in every 4 user will abandon a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load
  2. A delay of only 1 second reduces the page views by 11%
  3. 1 Second delays eats up the 7% of the conversion rate
  4. 64% of users never return to a website on which they have poor browsing experience

As they say that writing is on the wall. Your website cannot afford to open lazily on any browser, irrespective it’s desktop or mobile. Your Seo efforts will be of no use if the website is not meeting the most fundamental element ranking i.e. the speed.

  • Crafting good content

Good content is more than putting together 1000 words and stuffing them with power keywords. Yes, this strategy was gold till five years ago but not anymore.

It would help if you kept the readers intent in mind. It would be best to find what your readers want to read and present with information that adds value to their intent. Undoubtedly, it would be best if you gave it charmingly so that it is readable and relatable.

A reasonable designing effort can ensure that users enjoy an optimal reading experience when browsing content from your website. If SEO decides what should go in the content, the Designer chooses how it will come across, and both are super crucial to succeed on the internet. Everything from the font, structure to its style is a responsibility of a designer. Once again, it’s a team effort in play.

  • Using proper site maps

Maps, as the name suggests, means giving directions now. If the website’s advice is not correct, how can you expect the Search engine to provide accurate results?

This is where Site maps become super crucial. They are the indicators telling search engines what and where they can expect the information on the site. If you have an e-commerce site, this matric becomes even more crucial for your shops’ online success.

A good web design is never complete without a good site map, and a good Seo practitioner can never proceed without ensuring that the site is appropriately mapped out using a site map.

There are various kinds of Site maps, most significantly XML and HTML and both are equally important for a website. A good agency cannot make a mistake of launching a site without them in place.

Search engines can only crawl websites completely with proper site maps so it’s crucial for your brand’s online visibility that site maps are correctly structured in them.

  • Creating phenomenal user experience

This is crux of everything. There is no single element that can define a user experience. Rather it is a sequence of multiple small things which collectively merge together to generate that WOW factor in web viewing

  • Speed of the website
  • Mobile friendlinessfs
  • Content placement
  • Use of colors and fonts
  • Proper search functionality
  • Simple navigation

And many more things like these constitute a good user experience. A good SEO on a poor website will make it fail faster than anything else. So it is imperative that you scan your website for its optimal success by enhancing its user experience at every single step.

Here are few stats that will give you an idea that why User experience is so significant for a brand success.

Conclusion: Success on Digital platforms requires lots of hard work and effort and that effort has to come from all directions. Seo alone cannot guarantee your brand success online if it is not backed a well-structured website.

If you are looking to hire a professional Orange county website design company for your brand’s success you can reach us!

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