Acquiring new consumers is essential for the success of any business strategy. However, often business owners focus so much on attracting new consumers that they often forget to nurture their past customers who paid attention to their business earlier.

That said, when you focus on reaching new customers, you should not forget to reach out to your past consumers so that they keep coming back.

Return consumers are the lifeblood of any business and because of social media platforms, they have the power to become online ambassadors of any brand.

A loyal customer not only pays for your product and service but also tells others about your brand. You should not make the mistake of taking your repeat customers for granted.

• Show Them Things That Are Worth Coming Back:

Plan every sale smartly so that the customers feel wanted and keep coming back. For instance, offer customers special discounts to the consumers who make a second purchase.

In addition to it, send personalised emails to the first time customers so that the chances of sales increases. Think of it this way:- If a customer has bought a dog bed, you can send them emails about healthy dog treats and the latest dog kennels along with attractive discounts.

• Stay in Touch with the Consumers:

After a sale, ensure to stay in touch with your consumers. In the beginning, you can choose to show them your appreciation through a thank you note or via email.

In this email, don’t try to upsell anything. You can also encourage them to invite their friends and family to try your business and let them know that you are offering referral bonuses as well.

You can look for ways in which you can build a lasting relationship with your customers. Invite them to follow you and like your page on social media platforms, and you can also choose to add them to the email newsletter for regular communication.

It will also keep them updated about the good deals and discounts that you are offering.

Keep in mind that you only stay in touch and not bombard their inbox with tons of promotional offers.

• Ask for Feedback and Listen to their Complaints:

It is obvious that this method requires dual action from your end, ask and then listen. When these methods combine, you can effectively learn ways in which you can keep your consumers coming back and back again.

You need to always ensure that you encourage your customers to provide feedback on your products and services.

When your customers share their ideas, pay close attention to what they say and make necessary improvements so that it satisfies their needs. It will eventually help your business grow.

Keep sending surveys to your consumers and ask them about their opinions, after they purchase your business.

You can then use this information by sharing the positive feedback received from previous customers.

The positive reviews act as proof that your products and services are doing a great job, and you can employ the negative ones to enhance the quality of their products and services.

• Find Out What is Bringing Them Back To Your Business:

If you want your customers to keep coming back to your business, you need to figure out the aspect that brings them to your business in the first place.

Since the element is different for different industries and businesses, there is no one size fits all.

Reach out to your customers and ask them to provide feedback about the quality of your product and service. Find out the things that your consumers love about your business, and what improvements they want in your business.

Do more of what your consumers want you to and what they don’t want your business to do.

Acting as per the feedback received will enhance the experience of your consumers and they will appreciate that you acted as per their liking and that you listened to them.

• Provide Personalized Offers:

Considering the past purchasing history of your consumers, create discounts and deals based on the shopping habits of your consumers.

For instance, if a customer buys vintage products consistently from the 1970s, the next time when you receive a box of items from that era, reach out to your consumers and offer them discounts and other incentives so that they act instantly.


As far as eCommerce stores are concerned, there is no denying the fact that it costs more to acquire a new customer as compared to retaining an existing one.

Enhancing customer retention rates and encouraging repeat purchases will positively affect your business, and your customers will also feel valued.

Ensure that your website has an enticing web design so that visitors spend more time on your website and finally make a purchase. Hire professional web design services from Orange County Web Design to make the most of your marketing efforts.

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