Websites behave as catalysts. They work as a medium between the user and the business to increase or fasten conversions, representative of the authenticity and reliability of your business. The advancement in the digital world has made it very difficult for any business to survive. The tool that comes in to rescue here is a fully functional website. However, the problem is that the users do not see beyond the screen that is present right before their eyes. For them what they see in front of them is important. What they see is what they judge your business upon.

However, a lot of hard work and effort goes in to create that wonderful “website” thing that we see. Loading time, variations in the browser, coding or the content – are some of the few things that function together to create an impactful website which can change a user’s experience and consequent opinion about the website.

Sadly, very few people are interested to know about what happens behind that screen of yours. What all the designers have to keep account of in order to deliver an experience to the visitor. This is an attempt for the same. I am going to give you 8 facts that maybe will help you understand design better and leave you amazed.

Let’s start!

1. Know the Difference

Mobile web design is a restrictive form of web design that can be accessed in smartphones and tablets only. The website doesn’t offer all of the features of a website that can be accessed via a laptop or desktop.

Responsive web design, on the other hand, refers to a form of web design that is flexible, allowing a website to automatically resize itself according to the screen size, device, resolution, and browser.

A web design that is not responsive stands no chance to excel in the market.

2. The Videos and Images

They leave a massive impact on the users. The success of the website depends largely upon them. One is always advised to avoid using images or videos that are too large, as they increase load times and drive away potential customers.

Also, web designers should stay update about the latest multimedia formats in the market. They should avoid using outdated multimedia formats such as Flash- as many mobile platforms no longer support this format.

3. How it is Coded

This is true; the quality of the code can also make or break an ecommerce business because coders need to factor in user behaviour on search engines when they search for certain products or services. Everything from the domain name of your website to the Meta tags, and even Meta descriptions, can have a drastic effect on how your website ranking and performance on various search engines.

The main purpose behind a website is to generate more traffic and obtain new leads. If your website cannot do that and your business presence is null then it is time to reconsider.

4. Avoid usage of Templates

They might seem an easy nut to crack by those who have little to no coding knowledge but using templates can involve bloated code and unnecessary design elements. Pre-packaged templates can lead to loss of credibility, pertaining to the many superficial design components and bloated code that can impact performance. There are many websites that try to use these elements but end up looking parched and non-appealing.

5. Different Website Browsers Render Websites Differently

A browser like Google Chrome, for instance, will translate code and display it in a way that is different to the way a browser like Safari will do. The appearance of the website changes depending upon the device it is accessed from. For provision of the same dynamic user experience on each browser, we have to go through the complex process of making it cross-browser functional.

However, these issues can be bypassed by methodical browser compatibility testing and having knowledge of CSS and HTML protocols that play a key role in developing a cross-browser capability in the website that conquers all the potential hurdles resulting from diverse browsers

6. A Clean and Easy-to-read Layout does the Trick

The design of a website must be such that it allows the visitors to easily skim through and access the desired content or products they are interested for in seconds. The content should be incorporated into the design in such a way that it becomes prominent and captures the undivided attention of the user.

Propitiously, a web design expert like Orange County Web Design, realise that the overall imagery of the website has a huge impact on the bounce and conversion rates. They use analytics tools and heat maps to pinpoint which links and icons are popular on a given website to enhance the user experience on a periodic basis. Remember that it is the website’s design that catches the attention of the user and determines the user’s focus.

7. A Two Year Old Website is Actually too Old

Even though it may not sound too old to your ears but in the world of technology, where software’s, browsers and other tools used to access the internet are constantly transforming, a two year old website sounds dainted and non-functional.

To stay up to date, professionals have to stay on top of their game by maintaining latest coding standards, search engine algorithms and browser compatibility. Therefore, in order to survive in the online platform you need to update your website every two-three years and save it from perishing.

Your aim should be to provide a more dynamic user experience and work towards growth of your business.

8. A Decent Website can Cost from $2500 – $5000.

For some the upper limit might sound too pricey but the truth is that you have to pay to have the best in life. The price varies depending upon the products and services that are offered by the company.

Web designers, like the ones at Orange County, have to rely on special software’s to ensure proper coding and search engine optimization costs and robust tools required to improve loading times and allow for cross platform and cross browser access. All this is to make sure that a website code functions optimally whilst displaying well on everyone’s screens.

To wrap it up, all the web designers must be updated and aware of these facts to ensure that they build a highly functional web design for their clientele and boost up the organisations’ online presence.

These 8 facts are very well observed at the Orange County Web Design where they create 100% custom responsive website design with utmost love and features to make your business stand out on the web because they believe:

“..That your website deserves the best; after all, it is the internet advertising billboard for you and your company…

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