From the importance of planning a website to trends in web ergonomics; the objective of this article is to gather ideas to take into account to improve the user experience on your website.

Why is site design important?

Design includes creating an architectural plan for a site. The architecture of a website, that is to say the way in which the pages are organized and hierarchized, influences the user experience as well as the natural referencing of the site. Here are three elements of designing a site.
This subsequently led to a significant change in best practices for the web design and development industry. Each of the trends we’ve highlighted below arose – in one way or another – from this shift.

Truly mobile web design

Designing with mobile devices in mind is not straightforward. Designing with mobile devices in mind is nothing new; in fact, it’s been featured on most web designer radars for a few years now.
But, many professionals have now moved from designing desktop sites that look good on small screens to designing for mobiles first and desktops then. It is now recommended to design the mobile first and the desktop second.

Flat web design for a fast loading website

To optimize for mobile, web designers and developers are now creating clean and simple websites alongside responsive design.

This trend is known as “ Flat Design ” and gives websites the advantage of better mobile performance.
Web development is evolving to meet the needs of Internet users, and websites that perform well on mobile devices are a top priority.

Site content

The information on a site includes text, images, videos, micro copies and more. Before you start building pages, you should have clearly defined the content of those pages. For example, for a product page, the product description might include titles, reviews, benefits, FAQs.

Simple web development with page builders

There is a new web development tool that makes life easier for entrepreneurs who do not have web design skills or technical know-how – Page Builders.
Page builders have been revolutionary in the web design space. These are plugins or platforms that allow people with very little technical knowledge to design and develop web pages. All you have to do is drag and drop items into place, and voila, you have a beautiful website.

One page websites for simplicity

The last web design and development trend on our list is one page websites. This is exactly what they look like, a website that has only one page.

One-page designs work especially well for viewing on mobile devices, as users don’t need to leave the home page, they only have to scroll for information. This makes it a great option for blogging, ecommerce, and small projects.

However, if you are part of a large organization that needs to showcase more information on your website, there are still lessons to be learned from one page web design.

The power of the one-pager is simplicity. With a single page to convey all of their information, it is essential that businesses using a one-page design refine their message. Clear, concise copy and design is a proven way to attract visitors.

This user-friendly style of the website, combined with a great design, can increase conversion. Best of all, design, development, and even hosting costs are reduced compared to multi-page designs.

Here! Our top five web development trends to implement this year and keep your website going.

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