Before I begin talking about the topic in concern, I need to be sure that we are all on the same page when mentioning the term- website content. So, when I talk about “website content” I’m referring to everything that users can actually see on the front end of the website. The exact content obviously depends on the area of your work but like a typical website it would usually include the text on all your pages, images, blog posts (if you have a blog), products (if you have an online shop), events (if you have an events booking website), or any other type of content you might deal in.

You cannot do without having an online presence these days. But is having a website enough work done to boost your business ? It’s all set, right ?? Well think again. You have to keep your website alive. The trick is to keep on supplying “oxygen” to your website by keeping it up-to-date with fresh content.

A website without any updates is dead and stagnant. It is basically untouched, both by you and your target audience. Content updates are essential for keeping visitors on your site interested in your business and brand and also in increasing your website traffic. I am going to list down 11 reasons why it is important for you to treat your website as a living entity.

1. SEO Benefits

Search engines love content and especially new content. They like quality posts in their index to satisfy their users. A website that is updated regularly is crawled more often, has more pages in the index and more possibilities to boost SEO. Older information does not get the same respect from search engines. Fresh content makes you eligible for higher search engine rankings which in turn draws internet traffic to your website and helps boost your business.

2. Content and Indexing

The more frequently you update your website with articles, downloads, and new web pages, the more frequently a search engine will stop by to visit your website. When search engines look at your site more frequently, you have the opportunity to achieve higher rankings based on the content you provide. Search engines use web crawlers to ‘index’ a site.

Once indexed, these pages and images will show up in searches. The more of your site that’s indexed, the more likely a prospective buyer will be able to find your site. Indexing is often used synonymous with crawling. These terms are NOT synonymous to each other. Indexing is the second step after crawling and both of them should not be confused with each other.

3. Give Google a Chance To Love You

Google needs no introduction. Our lives revolve around it. It is the king of all search engines. So when Google expresses love for your website, you know this is a sure sign that you should add fresh content to your website as often as you can. Google has tremendous influence on webmasters and how websites are constructed. The “Googlebot” that crawls the web is constantly searching for new or updated web pages.

It then adds the fresh content to the Google index. If you keep your content updated with valuable information, you boost your chances of being ranked at a powerful rank by Google. Orange county website designers, for this purpose, have a blog on their website and keep it updated with the latest trends in the sector. Its content is always well researched, reviewed by editors, and you’re not distracted with unrelated ads. Google holds this in high regard.

4. Valuable Content

Yes we have realized by now that our website’s content should be updated. But the question is what does “updating” the content mean ? Updated or fresh or new content doesn’t mean something that is new for the web. It is something fresh and new for the website and not found anywhere on the web in a similar format. Next step should be writing content that is valuable and worthy. The main aim is not to appear on the first page of Google search results but to have content that keeps the bounce rate of your website low and content that is engaging and well- informed.

Remember that is not the quantity of the content that matters here, quality does. So, yes, it is a good idea to update frequently, but keep your content standards high. A ton of low quality content stuffed with keywords, is only going to land you in trouble.

5. Contents and Keywords

Keywords are high on the algorithm chart for search engine indexing and ranking. Adding more content is directly proportional to more keywords. And having relevant keywords can actually increase visitors to your site. However you should build your entire SEO campaign around a keyword/s. write quality content over what a reader demands by incorporating keywords, when and where needed.

6. Become An Authority Site

Every website dreams of becoming an “authority” site in the eyes of Google. And the best way to achieve that is by adopting the motto -‘Content is King’

The more informative content you publish pertaining to your industry, better are the chances of your website attaining the badge of authority. When writing on a particular topic, as long as the content is great, you become a stronger authority and people begin to trust you. Therefore, more likely are they to purchase from you.

7. Good For Social Media

Social media platforms are a great source to build authority and gain the trust of your users. Use ‘blogs’ to grow your website’s content over time. Each new post should be optimized for a different keyword. When practicing social media marketing, the quality of the content you post can make or break your business. Lack of good content can sometimes make all your efforts account for nothing.

8. Online Branding

In the present times most of the people are on the internet, in some way or the other. The Internet provides an excellent platform to advertise your brand. Online branding requires consistent and continuous effort. It is only through quality content that the online branding of your products and services can improve your site’s popularity. Updating your website with the latest information about your brand’s objectives is essential for attracting customers and drawing more business. Updated content on your site is a reflection of your brand and its principles.

9. Informed Subscribers

Apart from garnering new audiences and business, it is very important to keep your current subscribers updated and informed by posting fresh content regularly. You need to keep them informed about the latest trends in your industry or marketplace. Inform them on the benefits of your product. This helps a potential customer in making an informed decision regarding a purchase. By keeping your audience engaged with fresh content will not only put you in good standings with Google but will also help develop long-term loyalty resulting into returning traffic which is a boon for your website.

10. Current Web Designing Trends

The internet continues to grow and evolve rapidly. You need to keep up with the pace and keep your site updated. Website content is also subject to changing trends. You can keep your website looking current without embarking on a major redesign by refreshing your content to meet the latest trends. Content with cluttered pages and lots of distractions are a thing of the past. People now demand simplicity and perfection. Web designers at Orange County offer the same. Through growth driven web design their team incorporates creativity and innovation to launch your website to new heights.

11. Signals Your Existence

Above anything else, an updated website is a symbol of your existence which thereby proves to the possible customers that you are functioning. A website with a dormant blog and news and updates section signifies a stagnant business. Updated website content gives you the satisfaction that the website is still in operation, active and that it cares about its customers.

Get Your Content Routinely Updated:

A good website not only should have a professional appearance, it needs to be fast, clean, and user-friendly in order to convince the user your site is worth their time. You don’t want visitors to be turned away before they even know who you are. Having an outdated website hinders the ability of a good user experience, lowering the chance of a recurring customer.

In today’s society people have the ability to gather information whenever they want, right at their fingertips. If a customer has a good user experience they are more likely to return to your site and purchase a product or service from your company. If your website needs a new look and has outdated content contact UrbanGekoDesign today to get a quote for your website.

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