Making the switch to a mobile-friendly website is essential for improving SEO and attracting a larger audience. Far too many websites are being passed over for one simple reason: people don’t use the Internet the way they used to.

A few years ago, mobile websites were simply extensions of main websites. Times have changed and most people use mobile devices to check on their favorite sites. If you want people to find your website with a quick Google search, you need to be mobile-friendly.

If you’re still not convinced, consider these reasons why this year should be the year you start taking SEO seriously.

1. Mobile Search Results

The vast majority of people are going to find your website with Google. There are other popular search engines but Google is the one that really matters. This is because Google has changed their software to promote mobile-friendly websites.

Sites that are optimized for mobile devices like tablets and smartphones are being pushed to the top of Google search results. Google has recognized the popularity of mobile browsing. More people than ever before are using mobile devices and Google wants to keep its users happy. That’s why they’re giving their users what they want: search results that lead to mobile-friendly websites.

If it works for Google, it can work for you.

2. More Mobile Clicks

To really understand why making the switch to mobile is essential for the success of your website, put yourself in the shoes of the average person. Imagine that you’re using your smartphone to find a product you need. You get two Google results that look good.

You click on the first result and you’re taken to a website that won’t load properly, has unreadable text on the homepage and you can’t find the search bar. Frustrating, right?

You back out quickly and click on the second result. It’s a totally different experience. A smooth design, text that is easy to read and a search bar right at the top of the page. Our responsive web design Orange County team does just that- we create beautiful, simple, responsive sites as seen on our portfolio page.

Which website are you going to use from now on?

If your website is mobile-friendly, people will enjoy using your website over and over again. They will click through your pages until they find what they’re looking for. If your website gives mobile users a headache, the only thing they’ll be clicking is the “Back” arrow on their browser.

3. Turning A Profit

People want to use websites that are easy to navigate and simple to understand. Websites that don’t work properly on mobile devices will drive people away. When those people leave, they take potential revenue with them.

No matter how amazing your product or service is, you won’t get the results you want if people can’t use your websites. Giving yourself a fair chance to show off your great product or service is the best reason to switch to a mobile-ready website.

To Summarize

Make this year the year you conquer SEO by getting your website optimized for mobile users. Making the switch to mobile can lead to better search results, more clicks on your website and a brand new way to reach your target audience.

As a professional responsive web design Orange County firm, we want to see our clients succeed.

Contact us today 949-200-6910 to start.

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