Your website is the hub of all your online marketing activities. It is a doorway through which your customers can gain access to your business. First impressions are powerful. You just have a time span of 0.2 seconds to leave an impact on the user. So, if your website comes across as old or boring then there is a very unlikely chance that users will visit your website again. You need to know if your website is generating the right number of visitors and sales as expected. But how do you know that it is time for a redesign?

In this blog I will share 15 signs that are a clear indication that your website desperately needs a makeover.

1. Your website is not generating any revenue

The goal of any business is to generate sales. But that becomes difficult when your website receives traffic but there are no conversions. This significant drop-off in traffic and leads could be a sign that your visitors are clearly not finding what they’re looking for.

Therefore, if your website is not finding you any business then it’s time for a redesign, something all leading Orange website design agencies stress the importance of.

2. You have a high bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. In other words, people are exiting your website as soon as they enter it. This is a sign of a high bounce rate. This is a sure sign you need to redesign.

A good website should be inviting for the visitor and should keep the visitor engaged and interested. An effective website design can decrease your bounce rate and increase your conversions.

2. Your website is outdated

When was your website created? Does it have the feel and impression of a modern-day website? If your answer is NO, then clearly, it’s time for a redesign.

It’s always good to stay on top of design trends. An outdated website is a guaranteed way to get visitors running away from your site as fast as they can. Visitors want a website that is fresh and engaging. They need to be provided with an experience. An outdated website would not be able to do that. A website redesign is the way to go.

4. Your website isn’t responsive

A responsive website is a website that displays well on all devices and screen sizes. You need to remember that users will be accessing your website not only from their laptops but smartphones and tablets.

In a world where everyone is handling everything via a mobile phone, if your website isn’t accessible through that then you lose a large percentage of customers. To stay relevant in your industry, your website must be responsive.

It maximizes your conversions and provides visitors with a good experience. Therefore, if your website isn’t responsive, it’s a clear sign you need a redesign.

5. Your website has no conversion funnel

A conversion funnel refers to the stages a visitor navigates through your website to convert. Effective website designs define conversion funnels. One should know how starting from the homepage of your website the visitor will travel through different aspects or options available throughout your website before they can find what they are looking for.

How easy is it for visitors to navigate your website? If the navigation isn’t hassle free, then it’s time for a redesign.

6. Your website is too slow

Remember you have hardly 2 seconds to leave an impression on the user. And if your website spends that much time or more in the loading process then you are in for some trouble. Your visitors are going to exit before your website even loads. Outdated websites, often, run into the problem of being slow loaders which can further have an impact on your bounce rate as well.

A website redesign can help boost your load times, thus, making your site more engaging for visitors. If you can finish your chores when your website loads, you should know that it’s time for a redesign.

7. Your website has no call-to-actions

A call-to-action button is simply a piece of content intended to get the viewer to take an action. It’s an area on your webpage that stimulates action. Examples could include ‘sign up now’ or ‘get started today’ or ‘call now’ or ‘request a free consultation’. If your website has no call-to-action, it’s time for a redesign. It will take your website visitors from point A to point B. This basically helps your visitors navigate.

8. Your website doesn’t reflect your brand

Your brand is who you are. Your website should be aligned with your core values. It should be reflective of the experience a visitor would have if they interacted with you in person. No matter how impressive your website looks, it will fall short if it doesn’t reflect your brand personality. A redesign provides you with this opportunity. It helps you communicate the value of your business.

Also, if anything else in your company is updated then it’s time to update your website too. Maintaining this brand consistency reflects your brand’s overall identity.

9. Your website is hard to understand

The entire purpose of having a website is to have a means to connect with your target audience. But if your website only makes sense to you and no one else then you have got a problem in your hands.

If the information on your website is outdated or the font types are inconsistent, and the font sizes are totally random or the images on the website are not corresponding with the message you want to portray then it’s high time that you redesign. Only a professional redesigning of the website can get this thing right and prove fruitful in the future.

10. You can’t be found online

Over 90% of people searching for something online don’t even click to the second page of the search engine to find more options. This means for visitors to find you online fast, it must be on the first page.

So how easy it is for the visitors to find you online? SEO is extremely powerful when it comes to building your brand identity. You, obviously, won’t be able to build your SEO up enough to be on that first page in just a day. What really matters then?

It’s the keywords and the content. For this you need to redesign your website to help your website become more visible and aid you in finding more qualified leads.

11. Your brand or Company image changed

If your company has gone through a change, your website should also reflect these changes. Whether it be a new location or a whole new branding change, your website is the first place many people will go to find out information about your company. Making sure your website coincides with any changes is very important.

12. Some things work, but some don’t

Before you redesign your website, it is important to make a list of what you like and do not like on your current website. If there is something on your current site that works very well, you will want to incorporate this on your new site. However, if there is something that you know is not working on your current site, then you need to find a way to change it, or make it better.

13. The site looks dated

The way a website looks to a user can leave a lasting impression on the way they feel about your company. Does your layout look clean and modern? You will also want to think about the content you provide to your users, is it still relevant? Updating your website to have a professional and relevant look and feel is very important to users.

14. The site does not have cross-browser compatibility

Not everyone uses the same browser. In order to make sure you are not losing a lot of traffic, It is very important that your website be compatible with all of the major browsers that people use. Some of the most popular browsers include Firefox, Edge, Chrome, etc.

15. Your competitor’s websites are amazing in comparison

There are a lot of people out there doing the same thing as you are. You are saying the same thing in the same way as tons of other businesses just like you.

How can you make yourself stand out? How can visitors find something unique in your website that separates you from the rest? The answer is – effective web design. If your competitors have websites that look and work better than yours, you’re going to be at a significant disadvantage.

Therefore, it is time for a redesign when you start feeling that your competitors have moved a step ahead in making their website more appealing and distinctive.

Your turn – It’s time for a redesign

You need to know that a new look and fresh content and design can make a difference in your organization’s ability to attract new business. So, if you’re experiencing a few of these problems, it’s time for a website redesign.

Of course, it’s not going to be possible for you to personally do it. The ideal solution is to rope in a professional web development agency like Orange County Web Design, with experts in all arenas – designing, coding, and writing – to have a complete and thorough makeover. Apparently, they offer website design with 360-degree branding. How cool is that!

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